Monday, July 23, 2007

Testing Future Posts

This is a test of posting in the future.

I am writing this post at 2:48 p.m. EST on 7/23/07.

I am going to try to have the post show up at 4:00 p.m. EST on 7/23/07.

We'll see how it works.



Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Sign the Declaration of Independence

Today is the celebration of Independence Day here in the good old U.S.A.

I was hoping to write a profound article about Freedom and Liberty and Sacrifice, but who has time for that anymore (or is willing to make the sacrifice)?

I did, however, think that this was an interesting thing for the Fourth of July - over at the National Archives web-site you can add your own name as a signer of The Declaration of Independence. Your name will show up right next to John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Richard Henry Lee, John Witherspoon, John Adams and all of the rest.

You can even print out the newly created document that now includes your own name.

So, be the youngest signer of the Declaration of Independence (if you are younger than Edward Rutledge's age of 26 at the time) or the first woman signer.

You can visit the site at:

If you manipulate the final product, you can add more than one signature - that way your whole family could sign it!

Just my thoughts,



Friday, April 6, 2007

Introducing "Clean Links"

There are many things around the web for you to see. Sometimes, those places are not things you wish you had not seen.

The purpose of "Clean Links" and its sister site, "Christian Links" is to highlight links that are clean and helpful. It is the goal to add links regularly, not just giving the link, but giving some details about the links. In addition to being able to scroll down to see the links, there will also be a side directory that will enable you to quickly locate links in the categories and topics that you desire.

If you have links you would like to suggest for review and inclusion, please feel free to submit the links using the "comments" feature or via email to fcsansone @

Happy and Clean Surfing,



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